Wednesday, December 21, 2005
The run course for IMFL 2006
26.2 miles = 42.1 kilometers (= a marathon), divided into two loops.
Course is more or less flat, except for an overpass.
Aid stations are approximately every mile, and organizers promise Gatorade Endurance Formula, water, cola, assorted flavors of GU, pretzels, chicken soup broth, oranges, bananas, PowerBars, and Fig Newtons.
Sunset is 4:53PM, twilight ends at 5:18PM.
Triathletes must begin the run course no later than 5:15PM.
Cutoff is 17 hours after the swim start, or midnight.
Here's the Google satellite view of the run course area - fairly desolate in the turnaround area.
Here is a gmaps approximate map of the run course. One or two of the streets around Mile 4.5 might not be exact, but it's pretty darned close. You can switch to satellite views too. The gmaps course looks longer than it really only because the starting point isn't exactly right - the hotel is actually closer to here.Important note: There is apparently a non-preannounced, but very real cutoff of 9PM to reach the halfway point of the run course. Your chip will be taken if you're not there on time. Forewarned is forearmed.